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Prayer Warriors
Volunteer Prayer Warriors
THS1966 Prayer Circle
Saturday, 2 August 2003
Prayer Requests
List general request here, or check our list on the left of "Prayer Warriors" - Class Chaplain Terry Broome and classmates who have volunteered to assist you, for personal & private matters.

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Posted by ths1966 at 9:21 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 August 2003 10:23 AM CDT
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Friday, 1 August 2003
Prayer Corner... With Terry Broome, Chaplain
In his very practical letter in the Bible, James wrote of a state of poverty among God's people that was both needless and contrary to the One who "delights in mercy." He wrote "Ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not because ye ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures (James 4:2,3).

The inspired writer places his finger squarely on the trouble by pointing out that the drought of blessings was caused by a failure to either pray, or to pray unselfishly. How many rich blessings do not flow into our lives out of the "fulness of God" because we have not always had the faith and humility to pray.

The longer one lives, and the more of God's ways he understands, the more he must be convinced that God confers blessings upon his children in answer to their prayers. "The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much" (James 5:16).

It is our hope that you, the class of 1966, and anyone else who cares to visit our home page, will let us know of your prayer requests so that we can involve a whole host of prayer warriors to pray for you.

In addition, any prayer needs that are of a confidential nature can be handled discretely by talking directly with our chaplain and specifying that the matter is confidential. Otherwise we will let your friends know of your specific request and ask them to be praying fervently for you.

Posted by ths1966 at 6:09 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 8 August 2003 3:12 PM CDT
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